Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My current boss is a Professor and a doctor. A Hand Surgeon. A very good one, one of the best in the country. A mother and a wife.
She's an awesome lady - almost like Superwoman!
I have been here for only two weeks but I have learned so much. From my colleagues and of course, from my boss. She has been an inspiration, we were talking about random stuffs yesterday morning and somehow the topic of learning came out.
She said; "My husband likes to learn. For him, everything should be a learning experience"
It got me thinking; "If you take everything as a learning experience, you would not feel as if you are wasting time or doing something pointless. Subsequently, things will have more meaning"
Even when you reply emails, try to think of what you can learn from the 'simple act of replying emails'. You can improve your communication skills and you can try use a new word while composing your email etc.
Then that simple act would give more meaning.
My boss listens to french lessons on the radio while driving to/fro work. Hm, maybe I should do that too. Thinking I should try Mandarin or French. Mandarin because I have a lot of Chinese friends, so it would be nice to be able to converse in Mandarin with em. French because I wanna visit France again someday; tehehe...
Every seconds should be used to learn something new. It's interesting how people can give you ideas without them realizing it. If everyone in this world give such great ideas or advice to others, can you imagine the possibilities?
Cliche but true.
Happy wednesday everyone!