Saturday, May 23, 2009

I like to think of great things to do.
To make tomorrow a better day.
Not just for me but for every single being on earth. I heard from somewhere that if you help others, you are actually helping yourself.

When I was 13, I wanted to become a doctor. Somehow along the way,
when I was in pre-U, I knew an MD was not what I wanted. Especially after that ’simple’ dissection on that poor lil white, smelly rat.
Most importantly, I wasn’t into biology.
Okay, truth is… My grades weren’t great! Sshhh!

But we can still help and save people even if we are not doctors/ firefighters/ police officers…
Yes, we, as humans,
with our mortal might (yeah, that goes to y’all Xmen/Batman wannabeess),
despite an MD on our name cards (that is if you even have one!);
still can help and save lives!
By simply donate blood.
So I came up with a mission: BLOODY MISSION 2009
Several of my friends committed to join this mission. I hope you will too. The plan is to set a date and donate blood together.
People say that if you work in teams, there is a high chance of success. Plus, we can have each other for moral support and most importantly save money on petrol (carpool to the Blood Bank together tehehe)
But before we could set a date and donate blood, we need to ensure that we are fit to do so.
As I am underweight, I will need to gain weight before I can donate blood.
So another mission is to gain weight & be healthy. Just need another 6kg and then I am all set.
Our target is to donate blood before December 2009 or maybe earlier. If things turn out as planned, we are considering this mission as a bi-annual event.
Please do contact me if you would like join this cause. Or maybe you can start your own BLOODY MISSION and invite others to join!